Interdisciplinary research hub on digitalization and society
iHub is a part of
Overview of the upcoming events
by Florentijn van Kampen
15:30 | 15-04-2025
Seminar room E.19.03
Brown Bag Session
by Mattis van 't Schip
12:00 | 17-04-2025
Speakers' Corner
by Hosted by Jaap-Henk Hoepman
16:00 | 22-04-2025
E.19.03 - Seminar room
by Prof. P. Ortolani & L. Gradoni
15:30 | 20-05-2025
16:00 | 29-05-2025
by Dr. S.P.J.M. Horbach
15:30 | 03-06-2025
16:00 | 17-06-2025
by Dr. Candida Leone
15:30 | 25-03-2025
16:00 | 20-03-2025
by Yiran Yang (iHub) & Paul Trautmansdorff (Technical University Munich)
12:00 | 27-02-2025
by Noortje Hoevens
12:00 | 20-02-2025
16:00 | 18-02-2025
by Dr. ir. Vladimir Sobota
15:30 | 10-02-2025
16:00 | 23-01-2025
16:00 | 17-12-2024
by Dr. Bart van der Sloot
15:30 | 03-12-2024
16:00 | 28-11-2024
by Colin M. Gray
15:00 | 22-11-2024
by Joep Bos-Coenraad
12:00 | 21-11-2024
by Dr. Guilo Mecacci
15:30 | 22-10-2024
16:00 | 15-10-2024
by Andreas Liesenfeld & Mark Dingemanse
12:00 | 03-10-2024
16:00 | 26-09-2024
by Prof. dr. T. Sharon
12:00 | 19-09-2024
by Yana van der Sande
12:00 | 11-07-2024
iHub Seminar
by prof. Ignacio Cofone
15:30 | 04-07-2024
E 19.03
by Raphaёl Gellert
12:00 | 27-06-2024
by Anco Peeters
15:30 | 18-06-2024
by Izaak Dekker
12:00 | 13-06-2024
by Pubhubs
12:00 | 16-05-2024
E 19.06
by Silvia de Conca
15:30 | 14-05-2024
by Dr. Radina (Adi) Stoykova
15:30 | 16-04-2024
by Barbara Müller
12:00 | 11-04-2024
Interdiciplinary research hub on digitalization and society