People at iHub
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Belle Beems
PhD candidate

Berber Pas
Associate professor and Co-executive leader RU Healthy Data Program

Bram Westerbaan
Software developer & Lecturer

Cansu Yasar
PhD candidate

Chandrima Chattopadhyay
PhD candidate

Christine Utz
Assistant professor

Daniel Ostkamp
Software developer and PhD candidate

Dario Stein

Evi Dalmaijer
PhD candidate

Fabian van den Broek
Assistant professor

Farid Mahsouli
PhD candidate

Florentijn van Kampen
Guest researcher

Frans Lammers
Software developer

Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

Guillel Treiber
Assistent professor

Gunes Acar
Assistant professor

Hanna Schraffenberger
Assistant professor

Hans de Zwart
PhD candidate

Hans Harmannij
Software developer

Jaap-Henk Hoepman
Associate professor

Jan den Besten
Software developer

Jay Doerga
PhD candidate

Jip Boer
PhD candidate

Joep Bos-Coenraad
Project leader PEP

Joris Gijsenberg
Senior researcher at the Electoral Council of the Netherland

Kai van Lopik
Software developer

Kyra de Korte
PhD candidate

Laura Kolijn
Software developer

Lian Vervoort
Interaction designer

Linus van Elswijk
Software developer

Lisa Markova
PhD candidate

Liz Groen
PhD candidate

Lonneke Peperkamp
Guest professor

Lotje Siffels
PhD candidate

Marcel Becker
Associate professor

Marie Rickert

Márk Széles
PhD candidate

Marthe Stevens
Assistant professor

Marvin van Bekkum
PhD candidate

Mattis Van 't Schip
PhD candidate

Muhammet Temizkan
Software developer

Niek Jan van den Hout
PhD candidate

Nina Baranowska
PhD candidate

Nina Hartmann
PhD candidate

Omar Javed
Software developer

Paul Ballot

Pieter Wolters
Associate professor

Pietro Ortolani

Raphaël Gellert
Assistant professor

Rick Dijkstra
PhD candidate

Rowin Jansen
Teacher and PhD candidate

Ruben te Molder
PhD candidate

Sanaa Abrahams
PhD candidate

Sander Meis
Software Developer

Stan van der Meijden
PhD candidate

Steven Wallis de Vries
Software developer

Stijn Bruls
PhD candidate

Tessa van Rijssel

Tijs Sikma
PhD candidate

Tim de Jonge
PhD candidate

Tim Walree
Assistant professor

Victo Silva

Wolter Pieters

Wyke Stommel

Yana van de Sande
PhD candidate

Yiran Yang

Yong Yong Hu
PhD candidate

Yuri Tax
PhD Candidate

Carla Hoetink
Assistant professor

Cristiana Santos
Assistant Professor

Djoerd Hiemstra
Professor Data Science

Enguerrand Marique
Assistant professor

Enny Das

Eric Verheul

Erik Poll
Associate professor

Harm Kaal
Associate professor

Inge Molenaar
Associate professor

Jasper Krommendijk
Associate professor

Marianne Boenink

Mariska Kleemans
Associate professor

Mark Dingemanse
Associate professor

Martha Larson

Nelleke Oostdijk
Associate professor

Paul Mutsaers
Assistant professor

Philipp Schmid
Assistant professor

Sietske Veenman
Assistant professor

Thabo van Woudenberg
Assistant professor

Tom Heskes

Toon van Meijl

Vera Blazevic
Associate Professor of Digital Marketing & Innovation

Wilbert Spooren

Wim van Meurs
Former members

Aditya Purohit
Joint postdoc

Andrew Hoffman

Aron Schöffer
Software developer

Bernard van Gastel
Assistant professor

Bernd Hoeksema
PhD candidate

Danny van Kooten
Software developer

Dara Ivanova

Dennis Bor
Software developer

Dusko Pavlovic
Visiting professor

Edita Poljac
Coordinator iHub

Eelco Herder
Assistant professor

Elke Penedo Cumplido
Student Assistant

Harm van Stekelenburg
Software developer

Imre Bárd
Post doc

Janita Hofman
PhD candidate

Jean Popma
Project leader

Joëlle de Vries
Student Assistent

Jorrit Geels
PhD candidate

Jules Dumezy

Julian van der Horst

Katerina Demetzou
PhD candidate

Leon Botros
Software developer

Maciej Kaczmarek

Marjolein Lanzing

Mathijs van de Ven
Software developer

Merel Brandon
PhD candidate

Minke Reijneveld
PhD candidate

Paul Graßl
Junior researcher

Simone Koopman
Project manager healthy data

Steven Kraaijenveld