Sphere Transgression Watch
Sphere Transgression Watch is a digital tool that tracks the growing presence of Big Tech in different spheres of our society over time.
In the past decade, the tech giants have moved into ever more spheres of society, including health, education, news provision and urban planning. Such sphere transgressions may be beneficial, but they may reshape these spheres – and society – in dangerous ways. ‘Sphere Transgression Watch https://www.sphere-transgression-watch.org/’ is a digital tool that tracks the growing presence of Big Tech in different spheres over time. You can contribute to it by adding instances of sphere transgressions. Sphere Transgression Watch is an initiative by the Digital Good Research Team. Digital Good is a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [Grant Agreement no. 804985]. STW is an open data tool that researchers in the field can contribute to. It acts as a public archive of examples of sphere transgressions that can be used for research and for raising public awareness about the reach of Big Tech in different public sectors and across society. Please take a look, circulate and add examples of transgressions!

research lines
- solidarity & justice
- freedom & democracy
- Sponsored by ERC Starting Grant ERC-2018-STG-804985 (2019-2023)